Morocco 2025

Be the first to know when spots for this trip open up!

  • If you are traveling alone and do not want to spend the extra money for a single occupancy room, we are happy to match you with a like-minded traveler to be your roommate on this trip. We understand that the extra money spent in getting your own room takes away from the money available for you to splurge while on vacation.

    For that reason, we extend each traveler the option of having us pair you with a suitable roommate for no additional cost. Roommates are paired based on room selection and a potential roommate questionnaire if there are several solo travelers. Before the trip, you will be introduced to your roommate, with plenty of time for you to get to know each other before we reach our destination.

  • Do you know someone who is interested in joining our trip but has not been to a Lesbifriend event or trip? Here is your chance to save a little money while bringing them on a trip of a lifetime!

    For every traveler that you refer to our trip, you will receive up to a $150 ($25 cash, $50 current trip credit, or $75 future domestic trip credit, or $150 future international trip credit) referral bonus once that person pays in full. There is no limit to the number of people you can refer; the only condition is that anyone you refer has not already signed up with Lesbifriends.

    Be sure to tell your friend to enter your name on the registration form under “Who Referred You.”